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In professional life, most employees are seen complaining about the unprofessional attitude of their employers. Though everyone wants an efficient team of employees, nobody tries hard to be a good leader. In general, most leaders lack emotional intelligence to handle the matters. Thus they end up making weird mistakes that truly destroy their image as a leader in front of their employees. In this article, we highlight some of the common mistakes that most of you will be committing in your professional lives. 

1. No appreciation for your employees

Would you continue inputting your efforts in work if you are not appreciated? Your answer will be a ‘no’. Then how would you expect your employees to keep working on the same pace if they aren’t acknowledged? Learn to praise your team for every effort they do, even a simple ‘thank you’ will suffice!

2. Not providing clear guidance

For most tasks that are being taken up by your team for the first time, your employees need directions from you. Unless you convey to them clearly what you want, they would never be able to bring out your desired results.

3. No interaction with employees

Lack of communication between you and your team members createsproblems. If you are unable to take out time to meet your employees and to interact with them, your team’soverall productivity will be lowered.

4. Taking all credit for your employees’ achievements

Being senior, you may perceive that only you deserve to be credited for any achievement solely. But, always remember that you won’t be able to get the desired results unless you have the support and efforts of your entire team at your back.

5. Lack of healthy criticism from you

Healthy criticism is essential to correct mistakes. If your employees are deprived of feedback and criticism from your side, it means they aren’t given any chances to improve themselves.

6. Not knowing your employees’ names

Another sign of a weak leader is not remembering your employees’ names. Despite being difficult, it is essential to develop some sort of personal relationship with your employees to keep their interest alive. Remembering names gives a personalized impression of your relationship with your team.

7. Sustaining weak employees

Sometimes, you may face certain tough situations which make it difficult for you to fire an employee. However, removing deadwood from your team is sometimes needed so as to keep other active members motivated.

8. Being distracted by less important urgencies

As a leader, you may spend all your time dealing with urgent situations. While doing so, you put stress on your employees as well. However, the mistake you are making unknowingly is ignoring your employees’ comfort. As a leader, you must avoid being distracted this way.

9. Not being able to handle leadership

When you start behaving unprofessionally, it clearlyshows, you are not capable to be a leader. Being a leader means to maintain a balance in your own tasks, as well to keep a check on the employees load (without being aggressive).

So in conclusion, to be an efficient professional leader, make sure you refrain from making these common mistakes highlighted here, and keep your employees contented with your leadership.

Author Bio: 

Alvina Amanda is an MBA from UK in past working for a various organization and now works as a consultant for Assignment Help | Ez Assignmenthelp