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Information Technology 

Information Technology’s (IT) biggest challenge in the coming years is security. But the issue is not with the technology, rather it is with the behaviours and mindset of the people who are responsible for it at every level, both inside and outside organisations. The well-meaning internal work-arounds, the innocent mistakes and random accidents are a greater threat than malicious attacks from external sources.

In addition, the increasing demand for remote working and the greater need for collaboration in an increasing complex world makes it even more important that IT professionals understand the end-users. 

How does IT move from a technology driven approach to a more proactive, end user and business focused approach? While technical knowledge will be assumed, credible IT professionals will need to develop their relationship, proactiveness and stakeholder management skills to order to protect their organisations from internal and external threats.

CourageousWorkplaces can help IT teams and individuals to;
•    Gain new skills, knowledge and competencies to become more business focused e.g. to become ‘trusted advisors’ or ‘business partners’
•    Provide advice, support, tools and resources to implement information technology programmes where the primary goal is to both protect the organisation and integrate IT into the business
•    Build an organisational digital culture

If you'd like to know more then contact us.