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During a number of instances you find yourself struggling with targets and increasing result pressure at work. One might call it the conventional approach towards making things happen go profitable in an organization, but is it the case indeed?

Well, to break the ice, it simple isn’t. While a positive pressure is always necessary to push results up and maintain a high morale amongst the entire workforce, exceeding the limit often make the employees enter the ‘fatigue stage’, hence a dip in their respective performances.  What’s required is inculcating a new sense of self-confidence in yourself and those around you at work. Obviously, the same helps to introduce a sense of team-play at work as well. Hence, shared below are 4 such tips that will help you in the same regard. Drop sufficient glances and absorb all that you can.

Stay Away from Negativity and Search Ways to Stay Positive

Well, this might seem like more of a generic point, but it does make sense in the long run. Making yourself go distance with your team is always about beating every modicum of negativity stemming up due to various reasons. It might be the unaccomplished targets from the previous sessions, or a misfit happening between your colleagues and the manager. Things are numerous to cause a rift, but one reason alone to elapse these and move towards a brighter future for the company – team performance!

Evaluate your inner circle at work and look out for opportunities to make your co-workers realize about the potential they hold. Share past records, cheerful moments and all the while when the manager was supportive and backed the team. Who knows this mends the broken relationship between your colleagues and the employer, in addition to keeping the team spirit high.

Understand the team’s Strengths and Weaknesses

It might seem like a bit of extra work, but knowing about the entire team’s strengths and weaknesses is something that will take you a long way with the organization. You know the areas your co-workers stand strong upon, hence taking up work pertaining tasks with the right people. Knowing about the weaknesses, you stay efficient over the areas you need to improve in. In a way, you let yourself be the right advisor for the team without barging into their personal spaces. Using tools like strengthsfinder might also prove helpful in the process.

Celebrate Accomplishments For Your Colleagues

Many-a-times it happens that we miss out on the wave of happiness running in the department, just because the result has nothing to do with us. Well, why not celebrate with the team then. You can only be true team player, once you learn to praise and appreciate all that’s been achieved by your team-mates. All the advices you come up with are only adopted, once your team feels connected to you. Letting them know that you care about incremental improvements is something that induces a feeling of self-confidence amongst your team members. They feel valued and productive enough to make a difference.

Help them Assess the Competition

Confidence at work drops down to a bare minimum if one witnesses the competition going upwards in terms of results, that too out of the blue!

Don’t let that happen in your team. Being a responsible employee, it’s your duty to keep yourself and the team updated over the competitor growth at regular intervals. Know the market share you hold and your competitor’s market presence as well. These are things that will help you stay focused and result-oriented in the long run.

There’s so much you can help your team with. Stay motivated and you’ll surely see miracles happen at work!

Author Bio: Anshuman Kukreti is a professional writer and a keen follower of the global job market. An engineer by qualification and an artist at heart, he writes on various topics related to employment across the Gulf. Reach him @ LinkedIn, Twitter.