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Stress is one of the most harmful things that can affect anyone at the workplace. Stress can make you feel so overwhelmed at work that it takes a toll on the person both physically and mentally. This article will help you to be stress-free at the workplace.

Life in a corporate world is challenging and every day poses new challenges. With hectic schedules, busy working hours and other factors that affect the daily life of a professional, stress is becoming a common thing at the work place. We often see how the work-life balance is disturbed due to the work-related stress. Stress not only affects a person physically but also scars many people mentally to a great extent.

Stress is one of the common reasons that people suffer from mental illness. When a person suffers from chronic stress over a long period of time, various functioning of the body are negatively impacted like lowering of the immunity level, abnormal functioning of the digestive system and changes of the behavioural patterns. Chronic stress develops without even the person knowing about it. Just one deeply stressful event in the day can make one unable to sleep well at night, which leads to a bad day at work the next; this becomes a cycle of stressful events leading to chronic stress disorders.

Reducing stress at work is not that difficult as you would think. It just requires small steps at a time to modify your lifestyle or the way you work and does not need a total overhaul of your present ways. Let us look at some of the ways you can follow to become free from stress at the workplace:

1. Be organised

Do you panic before a presentation or a deadline? Panic leads to stress. This panic is most probably due to the reason that you are not ready for the presentation or haven’t chalked out the plans for meeting the deadline. These are the prime reasons that lead to last-minute panic. If you make your life a bit more organised then you will see that most of the things are easily done and there will be no space for stress to creep in.

Make a habit of making schedules for your daily work and try to divide a project into smaller tasks that can be achieved daily. This will help you to picture a smaller picture and help in reducing stress gradually.

2. Understand the situation before reacting

You will have to understand there are many things that are beyond your control and you can do nothing about it. E.g. you cannot control the behaviour of a colleague. So you need to just focus on other things and forget about those.

Whenever you feel that some things are beyond your control, it is useless to react. Understand if it is worth reacting to such situations. Unnecessary reactions will stress you out and do harm to you.

3. Do not give unrealistic commitments

So, you are looking for a promotion this year and you accept any responsibilities that are pile upon you. Do not do that! In pursuing your dream for a good raise or a promotion, you are harming yourself and you might not even know till you suffer. So if you seem that you cannot perform something beyond your ability, talk about it openly with the person-in-charge. Do not give commitments that are extremely difficult and will make you very stressed.

4. Know how to delegate responsibility

Are you taking too much responsibilities than you can handle? This is a prime reason professionals get stressed out at the workplace. Do you feel the need to be in control of your own project? It is time you shared some of the responsibilities with others. Let go of that urge to be in total control of your work. Delegate your responsibility and you will find that it is a lot easier that way.

5. Take breaks when necessary

Do not work continuously over long periods without taking any rest. It will surely stress you out and will cause several health problems. Take rests whenever you feel you should and perform quick exercises like stretching.

6. Join activities that help you in controlling your emotions

There are many activities that will help you to take control over your emotions and also rejuvenate your senses. You can hit the gym every day after work and feel refreshed. If you have time you can go for other activities like some activity clubs or you can even do yoga, which helps both physically and mentally.

7. Maintain good sleeping and eating habits

It is always important to maintain a good sleeping and eating habit. It affects a person a lot as the body is not adequately energised and you will not be able to focus. Eating healthy should be a prime concern for those who stress out easily. One should not drink too much alcohol or smoke as it destabilises the body and develops mood swings. Having a good night’s sleep will energise you in the morning to be completely focused on your job.

The most important thing is to remain positive whenever you feel too stressed to concentrate on anything. Take a few deep breaths and calm down. Follow the above mentioned advice and leady a healthy, stress-free life both at work and home.

Author Bio

Hasib is a professional writer and often writes on topics related to career, education and professional performance. He is an avid reader and lives for two things – football and food. If he is not involved in any of those, you can find him contemplating existential issues. Follow him @ twitter, LinkedIn