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A career goal is the most important part of your career. Successful people have a lot of goals and do anything to achieve it. The attitude of taking life as it comes is not welcome if you want to be professionally oriented. The best thing to do if you want to be professionally aggressive and competitive is to really understand and analyze where you want to be in two years, in ten years and keep planning and achieving.

Having a good career is the most important thing these days, so devoting your time to it makes sense. Let’s look at how to make career goals and succeed in life. Firstly, you have to understand what you really want to do in life and then split your career goals into short and long term ones. You should then make sure you do everything you can to achieve it. With the kind of competition that exists today in the job market, it can feel very uncomfortable to climb the ladder especially if you are not flexible enough to meet the demands of society.

Let’s look at the ways in which you can enhance your career and the career goals that will make sure you have a great life ahead;

Identify your goals – The first thing to do is understand where you are going and whether you are sticking to it. The quote, ‘if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there ‘applies to the career of an individual as well. It’s important to find your calling and do everything to excel in it.

Short term goals – In the many goals that you have set, identify the goals that you can achieve and the ones you can’t achieve immediately and then prioritize the goals and start working on it. Remember any goal should be S.M.A.R.T i.e. specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Your short term goals are usually the ones you can achieve in one or two years.

Long term goals – Anything you want to accomplish in the future from five to ten years is a long term goal and achieving that is definitely not an easy task. If you follow the 3P’S of career, it may be easier to achieve. With passion, perseverance and promotion, it is easy to achieve long term goals.

Promotion – Completing your extra tasks and working like it is your organization are ways to get a promotion.

Get into a great position as easy as possible – If you are in a trainee position, make sure you get into an executive position as soon as possible. If you are in an executive possible, get into a management position as soon as possible.

Try to qualify yourself more – Your job will definitely require you to take up more certifications to make you compete with others. Nothing is really enough in today’s age as progress is on everybody’s mind and there are very few people who get to do what they love on a daily basis and get rewarded for it. They also say, ‘if you get what you love its good, but it’s also important to love what you get.’ It also applies to a career where everyday day may be a challenge but if we qualify ourselves and work that much harder, only we will be rewarded in the end which is a really great feeling.

Start a business and be self employed – There are people who love to work on their own and who are their own boss. Obviously, running the show yourself is a great task and requires unbeatable devotion and discipline.

Love what you do – You may be wondering why this point is included here but if you love what you do, then it’s easier to get where you go. The best way to do great work is love what you do as it’s proved that passion can ensure success.

Other things that may help you;

- Be more organized in your work by doing spring cleaning or daily cleaning. Remove waste from your office or work space. If you work remotely or work from home, then keep your home environment pleasant and peaceful.

- You can master the art of learning to say no when you really can’t do something.

- If you a fresher and are just going to step into the corporate world, then do the research you need to about companies and decide which company you want to get into and what you need to do to get into those companies.

- Also, have great relationships with clients so that they give you or your unit a great testimonial which is again going to look good on your resume when you try for your next job.

Stress at work is always there and stress can’t be a reason for us to quit, so we have to keep at it and one day we will be able to arrive at the place we always wanted to. With management of time, health and personal life, it is easy to have a great career and even excel in it. Want to have a great career? Start now!

About the author:

Zuhair Sharif is a digital marketer, writer, blogger and entrepreneur. he likes to write and develop educational and inspirational material to help bring value to others lives. if this interests you check his ultimate guides to goal setting here.