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Exercise is all about discipline and when one has discipline in life, that person can achieve whatever he/she wants.

What makes a great leader?

Leadership should never be confused with management. Leaders just do not manage the work of the team. The leader’s responsibilities are diverse and his position has a deeper underlying meaning. That person is the one that motivates the team and inspires them to reach the common goals. Thus, he/she has to have a number of values that can make him/her an acceptable leader. It is not just the leader’s professional outlook that governs his/her ability to be a leader but also the personal values and characteristics that define that person.

How can a good fitness level make you a fit leader?

By personal growth, I mean everything, including personal fitness and energy levels. We are in an age of information technology, which provides a lot of distractions to understand the benefits of physical exercise. The oft excuse that anyone gives when it comes to exercise is that they do not have the time to do so. But, being healthy has always been an attractive personality, even better than looking smart; which has even been supported by research.

If you are still doubtful about the benefits that exercise has on your leadership skills, here are some of the following points that will convince you:

• You will have more discipline in life

As already mentioned in the opening line, exercise is all about discipline. When you start going to the gym, you will feel the changes in you and start making little challenges for yourself. These challenges can be as small as increasing your ability to lift greater weights. It does not happen just like that. You need to gradually build your strength and will have to be extremely disciplined, maintaining a regular exercise schedule for that. This will help you understand that you need to maintain a regular standard in your professional life to establish progress and it doesn’t come easily.

• You will have the energy to go the extra mile

It is a myth that you will get tired after exercises and cannot focus in your personal or professional life. If you ask a person who exercises regularly, you will understand it is just the opposite of it. Physical exercises will make you feel energised and active to do more work. This will create a huge difference in your life. You will have the right energy and stamina to manage tight meeting schedules with ease. Now, you will also be able to maintain the work-life balance that you have been missing out on.

• You will gain more focus in your professional life

Are you getting tired of handling too many responsibilities and want a break to understand your priorities? Exercise is the best time to fuel your energies and channel it in the right direction. You will find that you can think better and this is the time when you can find peace. Also, you will have the time to mentally create a priority list of things to do.

• With positive body changes, you will have positive attitude

Leadership is about having the right amount of confidence and when you are confident about your own physical self, you will have a lot of mental confidence. With low self-confidence, people usually take a defensive posture and this does not help in attracting others. Exercise helps you to gain that confidence through the physical self. It is a known fact that the mental positivity has a connection with the physical positivity.

• You will understand the broader meaning of goals

How many push-ups can you complete today and how many will you do tomorrow? How will you set a goal that is realistic and help you be one step closer to your main goal? Exercise will help you to understand how only through a series of progressive steps you can get closer to your original purpose. You will understand as a leader that there should be a broader meaning to the goals that you set. This will help you in building the right team as well.

Are you missing out on the above benefits? Then it is definitely time for you to hit the gym and do some lifting or push-ups. At first, it may seem difficult to grasp the connection between the two concepts but as time passes you will definitely understand what you had been missing.

About the author: Hasib is a professional writer working with the prominent job portal – As a career coach, he helps professionals in making decisions related to career and job opportunities. He is an avid reader and lives for two things – football and food. If he is not involved in any of those, you can find him contemplating existential issues. Follow him @ twitter, LinkedIn.