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No matter your industry or job title, you’ve probably experienced moments where you’ve lacked motivation — don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Given the current climate we’re in, as professionals adapt to changes in their careers, adjusting to unexpected layoffs, or even just trying to transition to this new normal, staying positive and motivated is harder than ever. 

Sometimes all it takes to feel motivated again is a vacation or a long lunch break, but if you’ve found it difficult to self-motivate yourself lately, it might be time to look outward and find inspiration from others. There are many online resources available to help you get yourself back on track. However for many people, tuning into a TED talk is one of the most effective ways to increase their motivation as they listen to speakers share their inspirational stories and journeys. 

Whatever the culprit of your motivational rut may be, the TED Talks listed below are sure to inspire you to chase after your career goals, start your own business, or maybe even change the world. 

Infographic source:

Inforgraphic on motivational talks