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While salary and benefits are traditionally desirable perks when job searching, many candidates are also intrigued by the company culture. A healthy organizational culture gives all employees the opportunity to contribute and grow personally and professionally. Leveraging digital communication tools has become even more important in 2020 for enhancing the culture of your business.

Embracing transparency is vital to establishing positive norms and behaviors at a company. Transparency means a business is open and honest about its plans and operations, and its workers are also candid with one another. When employees deeply trust their colleagues and managers, they often collaborate, manage relationships, and coordinate better.

With full transparency in the workplace, members are less prone to fear being lied to or misguided, and they will likely be much better at setting and reaching realistic goals. A transparent culture helps build trust and encourages an organization’s productivity. Consider utilizing tools such as automated emails and instant messaging services to make it simple for management to keep employees in the loop.

Effective communication is also key to a successful organization. Telecommunication options, such as videoconferencing, can create an efficient and collaborative work environment regardless of employee location. These digital productivity tools help teams foster or evolve a greater sense of community. Getting employees to work well interdependently is one of the best ways to enhance corporate culture.

Did you know that flexible work hours may help with employee engagement? Flexibility in the workplace can create other benefits as well, such as stronger loyalty, lower absenteeism, reduced turnover and higher productivity. Cloud-based technologies make it convenient for workers to log in and contribute to projects from any location. 

Digital communication tools can help facilitate an environment where employees feel motivated, engaged and challenged. Make sure to consult the infographic below for more information from Halock Security Labs on improving culture using technology.

Improving Company Culture Through Technology