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The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting businesses worldwide. Since a vaccine is still not commercially available, many companies have been forced to cease their operations to keep their employees safe. However, there are a few businesses that are able to resume work with some adjustments.

In these trying times, you need to be creative and find different ways to maintain your company’s stability. To put things into perspective, 40% of businesses have acquired the services of an outsourcing agency to work on necessary tasks, while others have reduced the working hours of their in-house employees to cut down costs. 

When these two methods don’t apply, one common adjustment is to enable a remote working setup. If your organization has been able to transition to a work-from-home arrangement, you will likely see a decline in employee productivity. Since working remotely has its fair share of limitations, you’ll need to find ways to keep your employees efficient.

As the leader of your company, one of your biggest responsibilities during this pandemic is to make sure that your team members feel valued, connected, and included, even though you may not be physically next to each other. 

Taking note of the best practices in remote management will allow you to strengthen employee morale, build a positive work culture, and boost performance. Take a look at the guide below to learn more. 

Remote Management Best Practices: How to Improve Employee Productivity